Nymbl Science

Why do Older Adults Fall?

Longevity and an increased risk for falls seem to go hand-in-hand. Why?

One The Digital Health Hub Foundation Digital Health Awards Finalist has found an answer.

“It’s very complex, and a lot of people erroneously think that it is due to loss of leg strength,” says Edward Likovich, CEO, Nymbl Science, “but it’s more about reflexes. As we all age, we lose our reflexes.”

As the primary caregiver for my mother, I’ve seen this happen. When Mom falls, I see that she has lost her ability to catch herself. In fact, when I ask her, she will say that one minute she was up and the next minute she was on the ground. Her cognition is failing and she doesn’t even know why she fell.

Likovich says, “What Nymbl does is something very unique. We combine physical challenges with cognitive games. First, it’s fun! Everyone likes to play games. More importantly, when a person is playing a game, their consciousness, their executive function, is taken up so it forces the body to relearn the physical movement as a reflex.”

Nymbl is giving us a free trial of their solution, and I’m so excited to try it with Mom. Can we reverse her reflexive decline? Can she get back to doing all the things she loves outside, and regain some independence?

According to Likovich, Nymbl has created three actuarial studies to see how their combo game-physical challenge solution is showing up for health systems and payers in emergency-room and in-patient utilization across control and test groups.

“In one study, we saw a 70% reduction across both falls-related emergency room admissions and in-patient admissions,” Likovich says. “That’s huge for health plans and providers alike! Just one fall that results in a broken hip can easily be a $100,000 expense.”

So, Medicare Advantage plans, pay attention! In fact, anyone who is financially at risk for older adults can likely benefit from Nymbl Science.

And for me, if I can prolong Mom’s quality of life while having some fun playing a game with her, that’s a WIN-WIN!